Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bucket List/ 30 Before 30 List

Okay so I know I drown you in heavy stuff most of time and half the time it doesn't even make any sense.  But its my blog so....I'm not going to apologize.  Without further's the list.

30. Overcome depression/anxiety attacks. Get engaged for real...with a real ring....instead of a promise one.
28. Be successful in my career.
27. Gain good control of my ibs.
26. Go on a roller coaster.
25. Travel somewhere on a plane with Bryan.
24. Have a baby.
23. Be a good that would do anything for her kids.
22. Stand up for myself/baby while having said baby when people try to step on said rights.
21. Have a killer 30th birthday with some sort of EPIC celebration.
20. Go to Europe for my honeymoon.
19. See Niagara Falls
18. See a Broadway show in New York.
17. Go to a concert.
16. Learn to love myself.
15. Buy a new car that is mine alone.
14. Stop letting the past hold me back.
13. Buy something couture....not a knock-off.  I'm talking Chanel people.
12. Pay off all my debt.
11. New Year's Eve in Time Square
10. Kiss in the rain for real not just sprinkles.
09. Complete a half marathon.
08. Complete a full marathon.  (Not likely by 30 or even 40... but I guess I'll reach.)
07. Go clubbing full boar.  (I'm talking fully glam, dressed to kill, bringing sexy back.)
06. Successfully make my first Thanksgiving Dinner.  (It has to be edible....)
05. See a musical act in concert.  (My 1st concert was a comedian...)
04. Learn to ride a bike.
03. Learn to swim.
02. Find a comfortable pair of sexy high heels.
01. Get Married

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